Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Holiday Retreat!

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did! I love to visit with everyone that comes to the retreats. We have a very limited number of kits left. If you wanted to do the JOY or NOEL and didn't get signed up I have less than 10 kits left of each one. As of now I won't be able to get any more before Christmas. We sold out of the "This is my Joy" kits, however, if we get enough requests we will make more kits. The only one we have several of is the Cookies album. After our orders hit 55 we decided we better make several extra kits to get us through the holidays. There are a few of the other kits, except for the Halloween Album which is sold out.
I can't believe it's time to start thinking about Christmas! It will be here before we know it so lets get an early start and get some gifts made!

1 comment:

Jason and Katy Edwards said...

It was great!!!! Thanks for all your hard work. You and your staff are really great at what you do. Can't wait for March!