Monday, August 31, 2009


Due to all the requests, we are going to hold a Holiday Retreat this year. However, it will be a little different than our normal retreats. (Hopefully better!) Instead of doing one of each project you get to pick which projects you want to do and how many! If you want to do 10 of one project and get a bunch of gifts done, go for it! If you want to just come for part of the day and do a couple projects, that's fine to. All you pay for is the projects you sign up for. Hopefully this will make it so that those who can't afford the entire retreat, or can't be gone for the whole day, can still come and enjoy themselves.
We should have the projects posted here within a couple weeks. (Sorry, it is taking me a while to get caught up from my daughters wedding. It pretty much consumed my entire summer, but it was great!) You can call the store and sign up for your kits, and all kits must be prepaid with no refunds since kits will be made as they are ordered.
The day of the retreat is Saturday, October 10. Doors will open at 9 am for you to start making your projects, however you can come whenever you want! You will have access to our retreat room and tools until 7:00 that evening.
Some kits may be limited so be sure and sign up early!

1 comment:

~~~~~ said...

Will you have a link to pictures of the completed projects that will be offered this year (for those of us that live out of town)?